Grade 6
Math: We continued with measuring angles today. If the students didn't finish measuring and adding up the angles in the 8 triangles, they should finish this if they have a protractor. We will be having a quiz next week on measuring, drawing and classifying angles.
Science: 6R and 6S have their Flight title pages due on Monday. They are also having a short vocabulary quiz on Monday (6R will be told about this tomorrow).
Other: There is a dance tomorrow after lunch. The students need to bring $2 to get in (you're welcome A***). They also can bring a non-perishable food donation and get entered in a draw.
Science: 6R and 6S have their Flight title pages due on Monday. They are also having a short vocabulary quiz on Monday (6R will be told about this tomorrow).
Other: There is a dance tomorrow after lunch. The students need to bring $2 to get in (you're welcome A***). They also can bring a non-perishable food donation and get entered in a draw.
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